We are officially into year two of BOARD podcast and we couldn't be more excited. We started out the year the way we started last year: with no help. That's not to throw a pity party -that's just to say we lost our studio last minute and ended up recording in Klaire's basement. And because of that our audio quality certainly take a hit. Please forgive this setback and hopefully we will be back to our normal quality next week.
We also played mashing max this week. Another Russian roulette game for America's youth.
Topic Highlights: Andrew's High School memories, cake, 30 year old pranksters, naked hellos, Klaire's unnamed creepy neighbor, hobbies, pinball, magic tricks, how to disguise toilet noise, deep fried louisiana, femi-nazis, going to hawaii, boring relationships, and a shrimp farmer named Daddyis Young.