Do you know how to write your story? I believe everyone has a story and many of you would like to tell that story in a book. In fact, 200 million people want to write a book.
Shelley Gillespie is the Book Writing Success Coach, and she makes book writing and publishing a fun, rewarding and memorable experience.
A former successful corporate marketer and award-winning journalist, Shelley coaches clients in writing and branding with books.
Boomers are reinventing themselves or starting the retirement they’ve always dreamed of; and entrepreneurs are using books for branding and to establish their AUTHORity. As they think of leaving a legacy, Boomers also consider writing books to share knowledge, influence people, and create new careers.
Shelley has access to self-publishing, traditional and hybrid publishing avenues to make writer’s dreams come true. She founded Book Writing Success Coach to assist boomers like you with the many writing projects you want to complete.
Learn more about Shelley:
How To Write Your Story with Shelley Gillespie