Episode #3 of "The Breakaway Podcast" presented by the National Bird Hunters Association.
NBHA and Kansas Field Trial Clubs Association Hall of Famer and current resident judge of the All-Age National Championship at the Ames Plantation,
Dr. Stanley Wint joins the podcast to talk NBHA history, his career, judicial responsibilities, and the sport of bird dog field trials.
Please visit the following links and support our devoted sponsors:
National Bird Hunters Association (https://nbhadog.org/)
Purina Pro Plan (https://www.purina.com/pro-plan)
Garmin (https://www.garmin.com/en-US/)
Gun Dog Supply (https://www.gundogsupply.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfymBhCTARIsADXTabl9u8AHuV1YyIYoUm6bfck79Lq4NkResnO7C-jyo1bJEuff6d6C8lIaAvcEEALw_wcB)
OnX Hunt (https://try.onxmaps.com/hunt/app/hunt-smarter/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwrfymBhCTARIsADXTabn6nnHHW5NbcEPLSwAkRs6XaTwNfQMuQzuIe4nDn6pT40Swgt4z7U0aArImEALw_wcB)
Gundog Central (https://gundogcentral.com/)
Mule Brand Clothing (https://okiedogsupply.com/mule-brand-gear-and-apparel/)
Park Cities Quail Coalition (https://www.parkcitiesquail.org/)