In this episode, I speak with Jennifer Riel, a writer and strategist, and the global director of strategy at IDEO, a global design consultancy. With Roger Martin, she is the author of Creating Great Choices: A Leader's Guide to Integrative Thinking, a Wall Street Journal bestseller. We talk about design (what it is, why it’s important), creating resilient organizational strategy, the future of work, and the value of developing a growth mindset.
In our conversation, we talked about:
- Design—at its most basic form, it is creation with intention
- IDEO’s commitment to human-centered design
- How design doesn’t just apply to physical objects—organizations, services, and strategies can be designed, too
- Designing organizational structures that support organizational strategy
- How the best strategies are resilient—neither static nor reactive
- The Good Job Strategy: How the Smartest Companies Invest in Employees to Lower Costs and Boost Profits (2014) by operations management professor Zeynep Ton
- Major takeaways from Jennifer and Roger Martin’s 2017 book Creating Great Choices: A Leader's Guide to Integrative Thinking
- Applying psychologist Carol Dweck’s “growth mindset” to the corporate world
- How there are very few “right” answers in complex social systems