CANDYcolored studio podcast episode 239:
dear friend, artist, and the director of the springville museum: emily larsen and i chat about 17 of the 276 pieces in the 100th annual spring salon. she also shares with us the great heritage and some memories associated with the springville salon. springville museum is truly the art center of the state of utah. so much goodness converges in this sweet space and thanks to all that are associated with it: the collectors, the donors, the artists, the visitors, the families that bring their young children, the quilters and quilt lovers, the students who participate in the high school show and the outreach provided by museum staff -- on and on --!! together, we make up a beautiful tree, working together and supporting one another in our quest to create and support creation. the overall spirit of this show is felt by all the 1450 pieces created and submitted to this exhibition. as you visit online and in person, you'll feel that creative spirit that is prevalent in utah. this spirit is what encourages and supports us all as we continue to create. it is a living and breathing organism. and thank you to each of you who constitute this wonderful spirit of creation in utah!!
how can you participate in this year’s exhibition?
- visit the museum in person tues-saturday till july 6th
- enjoy the work in the online catalog
- watch the documentary about the salon upstairs in the museum or at the rivoli theater. (more opportunities to come)
- purchase a piece from the exhibition & enjoy the magic of the 100th salon every day (801.489.2727)
- donate, volunteer or become a member of the museum to support future salons & events at the smofa
WATCH the video verson and see images, show notes HERE
artists and their artwork mentioned in this episode: - ig: @elisewehle - ig: @wendychidester - ig: @katrina.berg - ig: @kershisnikprints - ig: @bryanmarktaylor
julia benjamin
izzi ballstaedt - - ig: @izzipaints - ig: @marysauerart - ig: - ig: @clint_whiting - ig: @ron.richmond
anne gregerson - ig: @granniego - ig:@saralunart
karen hague
dennis smith - - ig: @theartofdennissmith - ig: @kathleenpetersonart
david dibble - - ig: @dibbleart