Carmen Online Theater Group presents a new entry in its Chronicles of Terror: DIGGUM, an audio adaptation of the newest short tale of dark horror by Isaac Thorne. What better way to usher in the month leading up to Halloween (the night the dead walk) than by sitting around the warm glow of a computer screen and listening to a tale of terror in the traditional campfire-style. If you join us in the live chat, you can experience the chills of your fellow listeners in real-time as the tale unfolds.
DIGGUM stars its author, Isaac Thorne, is his debut voice acting role as the title character. It is produced by Liane Moonraven of Carmen Online Theater Group and introduced by veteran Carmen Online Theater star Siara Tyr.
Listen here at showtime!
When personal tragedy strikes, some men pray. Other men despair. This man goes to war.
Meet Diggum, the local cemetery caretaker, who lives in a small cottage at the edge of the lot. Diggum has spent most of his life angry with God, whom he blames for the devastating house fire that cost Diggum his family.
But the caretaker has a secret. It is a secret he will carry to his own grave. It is a secret that he hopes will finally get him his ultimate revenge on God.
DIGGUM is a short tale of dark horror from the mind of Isaac Thorne, a nice man who only wants to provide you with a few fun frights. His story is one of rage and revenge. At some point in our lives, we all ask the “why” question. This gravedigger demands an answer.
More information about Carmen Online Theater Group is available at
Isaac Thorne can be found online at