Meet Patricia (Kim) Palmer, Maureen Shelton and Jennifer Mascaro! In this episode, we delve into Cognitively Based Compassion Training (CBCT®) and Compassion-Centered Spiritual Health (CCSH®), and how they can inform and transform chaplaincy practice.
Note: We had some technical issues with Maureen Shelton's sound, and unfortunately were unable to capture the important pieces that she said. However, we plan on having a follow up episode with those with Cognitively-Based Compassion Training®, Compassion-Centered Spiritual Health (CCSH®) where Maureen can lend her voice again, but this time for all to hear.
Maureen has some excellent podcast episodes on Compassion-Centered Spiritual Health (CCSH) under the Podcast section of Events | Emory University | Atlanta GA.
Read more about CBCT® at CBCT® | Cognitively-Based Compassion Training - Emory University and in the article below. Membership with the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC) includes access to the Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy.
The reference for the article in this Podcast is the following: Mascaro, J. S., Florian, M. P., Brauer, E., Palmer, P. K., Ash, M. J., Shelton, M., … Grant, G. H. (2024). A mixed-method evaluation of implementation determinants for chaplain intervention in a hospital setting. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy, 30(3), 226–244.
Connect with Alice and John on social media:
Instagram: @alicetremaine (Alice) @researchchaplain (John)
Leave us a message at the Chaplain's Compass phone number: 502-536-7508
Learn more about chaplaincy at and the association of professional chaplains at