The LORD Speaks : JOB 38
8 “Who shut up the sea behind doors
when it burst forth from the womb,
9 when I made the clouds its garment
and wrapped it in thick darkness,
10 when I fixed limits for it
and set its doors and bars in place,
11 when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther;
here is where your proud waves halt’?
The seas were rough.
The woman felt oppressed, weathered and exhausted.
She was growing weary.
The first wave came making an impact on her journey and bringing her closer to home. She was humbled and grateful, remembering the raw power of the wind and the strength of nature that came from a good God who created her perfectly (and loved her dearly). The wave came up under her boat and lifted her gently to a point where there was soft wind in her sail taking her toward a beautiful paradise. She was grateful for the advances she had made on that wave recognizing that her journey to freedom was impossible without God her Father.
As time passed the woman started to forget that the first and original wave of power came from a strong and loving God who ruled all of creation.
God didn’t make mistakes when it came to human design. But the woman began to believe that she could sail the seas in her own power. She started to question whether the vessel she was birthed in was a good vessel or not. She turned the helm away from God’s destination. She didn’t appreciate that with God as the captain of the vessel there would be times when a turn would take her toward a place she would rather not go.
She ripped off part of the sail and threw it overboard.
It was the very heart of the vessel’s motherboard. She forgot about the raw and beautiful power of bowing with her sail to the authority of nature that created the wind and the waves. She believed she ruled and commanded her destiny by her own power.
So the second wave came and she decided to ride that wave toward a place where she assumed she would become like God. She began to grow bitter and angry that her original vessel had moments of weakness where her personal plans were obscured for God’s direction. She rode that wave and other women followed believing that if they also altered their vessels they could reach a beautiful place that was much better than the paradise of freedom that God had set aside for them. Had they rode out the wave God had sent, trusting Him and bowing with sincere humility in gratitude at the awesome workmanship that carried their souls, they would have enjoyed a smooth sail with momentum taking them to a place beyond their wildest dreams.
Instead the rough seas grew painful and pounded up against them taking them to a destination that was chained and anchored with despair, regret, guilt, bitterness, arrogance, shame and deception .
Some would drown in that second wave. While some would come up gasping for air pleading for mercy while realizing the mistakes they had made by throwing the heart of their being and identity, overboard.
Still, most didn’t turn toward their Father in Heaven. Instead, they created an altar to wombless goddesses that promised them power to reign on a sea where children had been thrown out of boats or left to drift without a hand extended by those who used to call themselves mothers.
The third wave was about to come. This wave allowed each woman who claimed to be the captain of her altered vessel to elevate herself to “goddess” in any way she wanted.
This wave was a proud wave. This wave was illogical and beyond reasoning. The third wave was born from the second wave but wouldn’t claim to know or be able to identify the first wave, at all.
It had been too long since anyone even remembered the first wave journey that could have taken them into a paradise of freedom created ...