Do you recall several times where your parents told you these 3 so-wanted words that you wanted to hear so much? Do you recall your parents telling "I love you" often?
If the answer is no, this is not abnormal. Or, I should rather say that this is not abnormal regarding the dysfunctions in your family relationship.
Now, I would like to offer you a deeper understanding of why they never told you that they loved you, and how to heal from this emotional wound. 💗
🕊️ Take the Family to Freedom quiz here">Family to Freedom quiz here to discover your family dy namics and how they keep you from living your life freely.
💗 Eager to start your healing journey now? Apply to book your free call with me here">book your free call with me here.
Remember that the first step to healing is gaining awareness over your situation. Enjoy these episodes to collect as many breakthroughs and epiphanies, as you need.
I am with you in this journey. You are not alone anymore.
See you in the next episode,