Kathryn Leigh Scott and David Selby recently reunited to play Maggie Evans and Quentin Collins once more for Big Finish Productions in a four-story boxset "Maggie and Quentin: The Lovers' Refrain." Set after "Return to Collinwood","The Lovers' Refrain" catches up with a very-much-in-love 21st Century Maggie and Quentin who find that as they get older - or at least as one of them does - life doesn't get any easier. Kathryn's recording sessions for this boxset took her to Los Angeles, New York and London. I snuck into the studio after she wrapped on her final day to grab a few words.
Kathryn tells me about recording with (and without) David Selby and what she thinks of the new adventures their characters are now having. We also look back at the DARK SHADOWS 50th Anniversary celebrations - getting together with all the cast at both the fan event in Tarrytown and the group recording of the celebratory special "Blood & Fire." And looking further back Kathryn recalls working with Mitchell Ryan as Burke Devlin returned from the dead in "And Red All Over" and she remembers those Dark Shadows cast members no longer with us and how she wishes Big Finish had had the chance to work with them.
Way back in 2014, Kathryn suggested her actress friend Daisy Tormé would be ideal to join the DARK SHADOWS audio adventures. After playing the well-meaning but ill-fated Melody Devereux in the highly acclaimed thirteen-part serial "Bloodlust," Daisy returned as a young Abigail Collins when we dropped in on 1767 Collinsport in the Scribe Award-winning "Blood & Fire". And now she's back once more in "The Lovers' Refrain". On a visit to the UK, Daisy fills me in on who she's playing this time, how she finds the voices for her characters, and her gratitude to Kathryn for bringing her into the Dark Shadows family.