Belynda Thomas is an author of novels (Secrets and Silence, Secrets and Sorrow) and children's book (When Can We Get a Puppy,) a blogger, a visual artist, Toastmaster, wife, mother and consultant to Mississauga Writers Group. In this episode, Nick and Brie chat with Belynda about writing, self-publishing and owning your artistic dreams.
We chat about the difficulties making the time to practice your art, and how sometimes it becomes necessary to put things on hold as well as the strength in owning your artistic pursuits.
Writing, Editing, Self-Publishing, Blogging, Writing Challenges, Public Speaking & Parenting.
Belynda's LinkedInBelynda's BooksMississauga Writers Group- Catch Brie in Good News Toronto at Toronto Sketchfest.
Check out her new live shows in Hamilton at the Staircase Comedy CabaretSign up for classes at Improv Niagara.Participating in the Mississauga Writers Group