As you guys know, I recently enrolled in a high level Copywriting & Sales Funnel certification.
It's one of the best things I've ever done.
This week, I learnt something that was a true eye opener...
What does that mean exactly? Well, simply.. every idea, every song, every book, every show, every movie.. (including Star Wars) is not really an original idea, but simply a remix of something before it.
I had no idea that George Lucas drew a lot of his original inspiration from the Flash Gordan series as a child.. and that he actually wanted to make a Flash Gordan movie.. (but he was able to secure the rights, so he made Star Wars instead).
Go and watch the YouTube clip here:
This helped me realise that as a Copywriting/Sales Funnel builder, we can leverage inspiration and ideas from everything around us. It takes the pressure off our shoulders and allows us to consume for new and exciting concepts.
I would love to know what you thought of the video. Drop a comment on my website!
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