This is The Trinity. The much awaited and now WEEKLY segment from The Covert Operations Podcast. Hosted by Spade JM alongside his comrades in Magic, V., and Kurt Garcia. The Trinity tackles news, reviews, tips, and many other things in the realm of the art of Magic and Sleight of Hand.
This episode, The Trinity talks about Cardistry as an Artform. Why has it strayed from its predecessor, Magic and how it built it's own thing, trend, and craze right now. We feature a local Cardist as well. One of the best in the Philippines, Kendrick Denzel on the show. He talks about his experiences into creating moves, his inspirations, and his message to the newbie cardists that are trying to find their way in the industry and community.
Question of the Day: Is there is a magic trick that you were so amazed by the presentation that you wouldn't want to know the method for you not to be spoiled of the secret?
This episode was recorded LIVE on Facebook. The Trinity is now a weekly live Session on our Facebook page! You can check it out below.
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