Black Is King is a 2020 American musical film and visual album directed, written and executive produced by Beyoncé. The film serves as a visual companion to the 2019 album The Lion King: The Gift, a tie-in album curated by Beyoncé for the 2019 remake of The Lion King.
Black Is King was released globally to stream on Disney+ on July 31, 2020, and was aired the following day across Sub-Saharan Africa, across the Middle East, and North Africa on OSN: Orbit Showtime Network which is an Emirati multinational direct-broadcast satellite provider serving the Middle East and North Africa, France, Spain, and United Kingdom. The film received acclaim from critics, with praise for Beyoncé's direction, the cinematography, score, costume design, subject matter and cultural themes.
Today we will be dealing with subject matter and cultural themes of the film.
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