Father's impact our lives in so many ways. They cheer us on as they hold the back seat of the bicycle while we pedal for the first time without training wheels. They're there with a baseball or football for a game of catch in the yard, a solid piece of advice when your car breaks down, the perfect dad joke. Their support means the world to us. Yet, for some of us it's a bit more complicated. If your father wasn't really in the picture or your home life didn't fall into the normal stereotype, you can grieve the loss of a father long before his actual passing. But either way, the passing of a father is hard. It draws out feelings we often didn't even know were there and the grieving process can often feel long. Give yourself time and patience to feel whatever bubbles up to the surface during this time. Use a journal to process the memories you have of your loved one, any regrets, and any lingering anger or resentment. Meditating on any of these quotes will help you go deeper into honoring the memory of your father and his impact on your life. It's during this period of time that family and friends will be the most important part of the healing process. Lean into your support system and let them care for you. Each day will get easier, and you will know you get to carry the memory and legacy of your father forward in the way you love and care for others.