Hello and Welcome to the Dueling Club, where you'll learn One Spell at a time.
We're here and we want to wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! Feliz Dia de los Enamorados! And for all of you how don't want to celebrate in that way, Happy Day of Love and Friendship (Feliz Dia Del Amor y De La Amistad)!
With this episode, we continue our review of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. This is Season 6, Episode 6 where we go over Chapter 6 - Draco's Detour. The school-aged kids head to Diagon Alley to get their school supplies and other odds and ends. But it's a different Diagon Alley than they're used to due to increasingly frequent deaths and disappearances throughout the Wizarding world. The trio runs into a suspicious Malfoy who Harry believes is up to no good. And we get to see Harry's winnings from the TriWizard tournament having been put to good use. We finally get to see Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. Let's find out together was kinds of things the Twins have been getting up to!
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Both of us have played or are playing Hogwarts Legacy. We'd love to hear about your experiences playing the game! Drop us a line wherever you want to (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even here in the comments section).
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Lastly, if you really want to get in touch with us, you can always email us at [email protected].
As always, thanks for tuning in. Please await our owl for the next episode.