Today I want to open up with you about something that has been kind of weighing heavy on me lately, accepting the predetermined definition of progress - that feeling we get when we’ve maybe been successful but that we are not satisfied. In this episode Elizabeth talks about:
- Redefining Progress!
- Progress is the journey.
- Progress is the path that leads us to the life we want to be living.
As you know, I’ve already looked at redefining success and what it means for me personally and my business. Success feels very finite in a way, like it’s black and white, and a tangible win. On the other hand, progress seems is a bit more tricky, because it isn’t an event - it’s a journey. I’m having trouble quantifying progress as I go along - because though I’ve updated my ways of thinking about success, I haven’t done the same with progress. I feel like I’m working in the ways that I want to be working but I can’t always tell if I am making the right amount of progress. But then I realized, that progress doesn't have to be x amount of dollars or x amount of meetings, or even a totally booked calendar. It can be anything that you think it should be. So as you recalibrate what success looks like in your life - redefine what progress looks like too.
My new definition of progress:
“What is progress? Progress is the journey, progress is a non-event. Progress is anything that brings me even a single step closer to earning in big ways through big service. Progress is any new conversation. Progress is any new proposal that is aligned. Progress is any yes and any no. Progress is putting out any new piece of content that I have created to be out there in the world. Progress is any new personal breakthrough, or realization, or revelation. Progress is being proactive about a boundary. Progress is any amount of fun, freedom, lightness, ease and power where there was once struggle, sabotage, and sacrifice.”
If you want to keep the conversation going, you can find me on Instagram or my Website. If today’s episode was at all inspiring to you, please leave a 5-star review on iTunes I would be so grateful. Please also share this episode with anyone you feel needs it, because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.