Hey, folks! Today, we’re talking about the adherer...a weird, sticky monster from the Fiend Folio. Picture a mummy, but alive, with dirty white skin that looks like bandages and oozes super-strong glue. It’s rare, shows up alone or in small groups, and loves ambushing prey by hiding in piles of leaves or dirt. Its armor’s tough, AC 3 and it’s got 4 hit dice, so it’s not a pushover. The adherer’s big trick? Anything that touches it sticks, like weapons or people, and it only does 1-3 damage with its fists. Fire hurts it bad, just like a mummy, and boiling water messes up its glue for a bit. It’s smart enough to team up with spiders but won’t attack them. Oh, and it’s lawful evil—creepy and tricky! Stick around for more monster talk!
#adnd #tsr #greyhawk #dnd #TTRPG