Ginger is always on the cutting edge of diabetes management and I'm thrilled to have her back on the podcast! She's been T1D since 1999 and has been writing about diabetes related topics for 15 years. Ginger has authored or co-authored 5 books relating to diabetes and she's currently a writer for Beyond Type 1 and Beyond Type 2. She has a new book coming out in March about exercise and T1D - can't wait to read it!
Today, Ginger and I are talking about using Metformin and/or Ozempic to improve insulin sensitivity in people with Type 1 diabetes. She wrote a very comprehensive article about her experiences with Metformin, published in September 2022 (linked below). At that point, she had five months worth of data under her belt. Recently, she began to enhance her diabetes management with weekly injections of.Ozempic (newly published article on this subject linked in show notes). We talk in depth about why Metformin is effective in improving insulin sensitivity and how it helps to compensate for other hormonal deficits in people with Type 1 diabetes. This episode is jam-packed with important information that you won't find anywhere else - don't miss it!
Original July 13, 2022 episode:
*Check out her website for links to her books and the articles she has written.
*Find her on Twitter at @GingerVieira
*Links to Ginger's articles on Beyond Type 1:
*The articles referenced in the episode are as follows: