In this heartfelt, raw and transformative episode, Mia Poklepovich reflects on the journey from chaotic, burnout-filled exhausting Decembers to creating her most regulated, easeful, and profitable December yet. This is an inspiring look at what’s possible as a therapists in business when you choose a different way - and has some actionable practical steps for you to use in your business right now.
What You’ll Learn in This Episode
The Before: A behind-the-scenes look at Mia’s past Decembers filled with overbooking, chaos, and emotional exhaustion, and the toll it took on her, her team, and her business.The Shift: How Mia and her team transformed their approach to December, creating systems, boundaries, and intentional rest that changed everything.The Strategies:Setting meaningful boundaries (with clients, the team, and yourself).Planning with intention using tools like Notion and Asana.Prioritising rest and creativity as essential business strategies.Shifting from a hustle-driven mindset to focusing on what truly matters.The Ripple Effect: How these changes not only improved Mia’s experience but also created a more aligned, regulated, and joyful team dynamic.Actionable Tips: Simple steps you can take today to make your December (and beyond) more easeful and aligned.Key Moments to Tune Into
[00:03:00]: Mia shares a voice note from her operations manager reflecting on the dramatic changes in how their business operates in December this year[00:08:00]: The emotional impact of looking back on chaotic Decembers and celebrating how far the business has come.[00:12:00]: The importance of boundaries—why they matter and how to enforce them meaningfully.[00:20:00]: Planning with intention: tools, strategies, and the power of mapping out time for creativity and rest.[00:30:00]: Creative rest as a game-changer for business owners and why it’s essential for long-term success.[00:40:00]: Closing reflections: Why it gets to be this good and how therapists and women in business can make small, impactful changes starting today.Takeaways and Action Steps
Audit your December calendar: Where can you create space for rest, joy, or creativity?Anchor in your values: Write down how you want to feel this month and let those feelings guide your decisions.Start small: Begin with one change—whether it’s saying no, blocking out a creative rest afternoon, or using a tool like Notion to plan with intention.Reflect on the ripple effect: How your own regulation impacts your team, clients, and overall business.A Message from Mia
"I see you. Whether you’re deep in burnout or starting to take those first small steps toward a more aligned business, know that you’re not alone. I’m still in the trenches with you—running a therapy business, showing up for clients, and juggling all the things. But it can look different, and it can feel easeful and expansive. You absolutely get to create this for yourself."
Connect with Mia
Instagram: @miapokoEmail: [email protected]Join the waitlist for The Freedom Therapist ClubIf this episode resonated with you, Mia would love to hear your reflections—send her a DM or email to share where you’re at, what inspired you, or what you’re working through this December.
Join the Movement
This is more than a podcast—it’s a movement for therapists and women in business who are ready to redefine success, embrace ease, and create freedom in their work and lives. Let’s do this together.
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