7:35 a.m. - David McRae - Treasurer, State of Mississippi
Topic: Update from the office of the state treasurer’s office, their office is proactively issuing $1 million of checks to 4,000 Mississippians as part of a pro-active data match the State Treasury undertook.
They will be issuing more than $10 million worth of checks to tens of thousands of checks. The checks are unclaimed money that result from uncashed state-issued checks i.e., tax returns,
undeposited state paychecks, etc.
8:05 a.m. - Jeremy England - MS Senator, District 51 (Chair, Elections Cmte. & Vice-Chair, Ports & Marine Resources Cmte.)
Topic: Looking ahead to the next legislative session, what he thinks will be the main priorities, bills he plans on getting through, the work his committee will be focused on, etc.