Once upon a time, a woman named Gabrielle Dolan worked as a leader in corporate Australia. In this environment, she realized the power of effective business communication and how storytelling is the key.
This lesson ignited a passion in her, and she went on a journey to share her insights with others. Today she’s an international keynote speaker, educator, and author of Magnetic Stories: Connect with Customers and Engage Employees.
Gabrielle helps many others convert cold data and logic and embed them into inviting, memorable stories. Leaders who know how to communicate wield the power to change the way they lead and create a ripple effect of impact.
See? We all love the power of a good story. This doesn’t change in the business world – after all, we’re still human, so the same rule applies.
As our story’s hero Gabrielle explains, stories are a powerful force.
Stories reel in the listener and create an emotional hook so they listen and understand a message better. (We want to know what happens next! We’re invested!)
Stories are memorable. We retain information better in that format.
Stories help the storyteller by endowing them with a sense of authenticity and credibility.
Stories are effective. They share a vision and enhance collective understanding.
If you’re looking to do good in your field, or get your office on board with an initiative, try using storytelling. Watch how people respond. You might just find you’ve increased buy-in and built excitement for your cause.
Takeaways from this episode:
- Storytelling taps into our emotions, and our brains process emotions differently than logic. It lingers in long-term storage of the brain and can also lead to better buy-in.
- As humans we retain stories better than pure data alone. Lead with a story to engage, and you’ll keep your audience’s attention better throughout the rest of a presentation.
- Incorporate stories about your company’s creation, culture, customer service, customers, and challenges into your brand materials and presentations.
Topics discussed:
- Creating engaging presentations
- Storytelling in business
- 5 types of stories businesses need
- Telling customer stories
- Sharing your brand story
- Connecting with employees
- Sharing your values
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