Rebecca Vallas on Twitter: @RebeccaVallas
Tell your members of Congress: "We can't afford to leave SSI for disabled & older Americans behind in #BuildBackBetter."
Text SSINOW to 50409
Rebecca Vallas and Matt Cortland at The Hill: The safety net program Congress forgot
Abagail Abrams at Time: Democrats Want to Reform This Program That Helps Poor Elderly and Disabled Americans
Polling on SSI reform from The Century Foundation: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Strengthening Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Learn more about the Clean Slate Initiative at
Information on the Advance Child Credit is HERE.
Andrea Hsu at National Public Radio: The Expanded Child Tax Credit Is Here. Here's What You Need To Know.
Jordan Zakarin on Twitter: @JordanZakarin
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Music clips
Intro and transition music: You Dress Like an Asshole by Not The 1s
Progressives Everywhere intro/outro: They're Everywhere by Jim's Big Ego
Outro music: Complain (from the movie Bob Roberts) by David Robbins & Tim Robbins