Dr. Anita Johnston is an eating psychology pioneer, author of the book "Eating in the Light of the Moon," Executive director of Eating Disorder Program for Integrative Life Center in Nashville, co-founder of Ai Pono eating disorder treatment facilities in Hawaii, Creator of online groups & courses at Light of the Moon Cafe, and of course, part-time mermaid and island girl. In this episode we discuss the deeper meaning behind food and body struggles. Anita also shares some of her profound wisdom through the use of story-telling and metaphors. She shares many of her resources including skills for cracking the code with food and assertive communication. It was an enlightening experience to have her on, and we hope you get as much out of listening to it as we did recording it!
Her piece with the MOMA: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/78677
Her website: https://dranitajohnston.com/
Her online workshops & other resources: https://lightofthemooncafe.com/
Instagram Wisdom: https://www.instagram.com/dranitajohnston/
Resource: Cracking The Hunger Code Quiz - you can also find a PDF for this at Light Of The Moon Cafe: https://lightofthemooncafe.com/quiz/ Assertive Communication Outline: https://lightofthemooncafe.com/assertive-communication/