Old Spanish Days Fiesta in Santa Barbara is not just a celebration and tradition, it’s a way of life for the city since 1924. For a week every year, the city of Santa Barbara remembers the roots that made it what it is today, a fantastic city — From the Native Americans to the Spanish conquistadores that settled the area, to the early Californios and the Hispanic heritage left behind.
For several days, the town puts on a show like no other, full of color and life, from the beautiful pageantry to the unforgettable colorful performances of so many dancers, to the parades and mercados, or market booths, to the delight and smiles of breaking cascarones, or confetti-filled eggshells, over your love one’s head.
This year, however, Old Spanish Days organizers have had to reimagine Fiesta amid the pandemic. How will this look like? I had the opportunity to ask and hear from Old Spanish Days El Presidente Erik Davis, the head of the event, a few days ago during a live show. So for this episode today, we are doing things a little differently. We’re taking that live discussion and bringing it to the podcast format. Enjoy.
For more information on Old Spanish Days, visit https://www.sbfiesta.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/oldspanishdaysfiesta
Twitter: https://twitter.com/oldspanishdays
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/oldspanishdays
Erik Davis Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErikHDavis
Live quarantine show: https://youtu.be/deSCGDQpNoc
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