Title : Play as Brand Strategy at SXSW with panel friends: Gregory Schram, Damon Guidry, and Nikki Martinez
How can play revolutionize brand engagement?
What role does playfulness have in fostering creativity and innovation in organizations?
Today, let's welcome our panel of experts from South by Southwest:
- Gregory Schramm, Creative Director at Cogs and Marvel
- Nikki Martinez, Senior Brand Manager at Lyft
- Damon Goodrie, Adobe representative focused on workplace playfulness
- Sura Al-Naimi, our host and innovation specialist
These industry leaders are known for their groundbreaking work in incorporating play into brand strategies, workplace cultures, and consumer experiences. They come together to explore the powerful role of play in building cultures of creativity and increasing brand engagement.
Our panel highlights the unprecedented shift in how major brands, from airlines to insurance companies, are embracing playful strategies to connect with their audiences. They describe this trend as more significant than traditional marketing approaches, with brands across various sectors seeing remarkable results in consumer engagement and loyalty.
The conversation also addresses the academic and practical perspectives on why play is crucial yet often undervalued in business. Our experts present compelling examples and evidence to support their view that play is a universal language that can connect people more deeply to brands across cultures.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How to incorporate play into your brand strategy
- How to balance playfulness with purpose in marketing
- How to create playful environments that foster innovation
- How to scale playful brand experiences across different markets
- How to use play to address serious topics and advocate for causes
- How to measure the impact of playful strategies on brand engagement
- How to foster a culture of play within organizations
Together, let's take a comprehensive look into the power of play in modern branding and marketing, and explore practical strategies for creating more engaging, creative, and meaningful brand experiences.
With Curiosity and Creativity,
Sura Al-Naimi
Meet our panelists 👉
Our MC - Gregory Schramm
Gregory Schramm is the Creative Director and Narrative Lead at Cogs & Marvel, bringing over a decade of experience from some of the most unconventional realms of advertising and marketing. His unique, play-driven approach was honed at vanguard agencies including Autofuss and Bot & Dolly, where he pushed the boundaries of creative storytelling.
👉Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/schram/
Damon Guidry
Damon Guidry is a Senior Event Strategist at Adobe, bringing a wealth of experience in creating engaging, people-focused events. With a passion for innovative engagement strategies, Damon excels in strategic planning, logistics, and budget management for both in-person and virtual programs. His expertise lies in partnering with diverse groups to help organizations achieve their goals through carefully crafted experiences.
👉 Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/damonguidry/
Nikki Martinez
Nikki Martinez is a Senior Brand Marketing Manager at Lyft, known for her innovative approach to digital media and passion for purpose-driven marketing. With a keen eye for audience insights, Nikki has made significant contributions to Lyft's brand identity and strategy evolution. Her impressive career includes launching Adweek award-winning brand partnership programs and developing new tentpole sponsorship opportunities.
👉Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/martinezdominique/
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