history is invaluable because it is the playbook for what we've done that has and hasn't worked. Jess gave lots of information on what has helped shape her love of history, and links to some of the things mentioned are below!
Textbook: https://www.amazon.com/Social-Justice-Criminal-Effecting-Preventing-ebook/dp/B019FQ7VVA
Documentaries: 13th (Netflix) | Freedom Riders (PBS.com) | The Two Winstons (by Simon Schama, available in clips on YouTube)
Abraham's Gate: https://www.touchpointisrael.com/2014/08/01/rewriting-history-abrahams-gate/
the blog: hertwocents.com
the 'gram: jessicamadisonk *because this is honestly the only one I use*