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The goal of raising your self-esteem is a journey that comes with good times and bad times. Similar to achieving other goals, there's going to be setbacks, detours and failures. These periods can lead to lots of of doubts, dark times and a place where we feel completely stuck and unsure of what step to take next.
Although these periods are hard, like all emotions they come to pass through us and then they leave. If we stay stuck then we start to slowly lose sight of the person we are aiming to grow into, depression makes an appearance and then we stop believing in the possibility of becoming our best self.
Although it does not seem like it, it is in these moments and within the confusion that we are building our levels of self-esteem. The doubts and dark times serve a purpose and this episode gives you practical tools and the empowerment you need to pick yourself back up, get unstuck and stay focused on evolving whilst raising you levels of self-esteem.