Singing with children and engaging in simple rhymes and finger-plays build important social emotional, language and motor skills. Alaina and Jen share some of their favorites, come learn some new songs to add to your personal catalogue or sing along.
Common Children’s Songs and Fingerplays:
-Old McDonald
-Wheels on the Bus
-Itsy Bitsy Spider
-Mary Had a Little Lamb
-Row Your Boat (Alternate verses! Lion/roar, Tiger/scream)
→ You can change up common songs by changing the words but keeping the same tune, singing the songs like animals might sing them (like a cat: “Meow” to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle or another song)
-I’m a little tea pot
More Obscure:
-Jack’s House
-Slippery Fish
-Reach Up to the Sky
-Ram Sam Sam/Family Song
-Sing a Rainbow (colors and sign language song)
-The Color Song
-Matilda the Gorilla
-The belly button song (not the one from the belly button book)
-I had a little turtle
Counting Songs:
-FIve Little Ducks
-Five Green and Speckled Frogs
-Ten in the Bed
-Let’s Go Riding in an Elevator
-Ants Go Marching
Simple Games
-This Little Piggy
-This is the Way They Ride
-Doggy, Doggy (Older children, works better with group)
-Pat a cake