In this episode I talk about the modern day Ho’oponpono, with special reference to Dr. Hew Len, a therapist who miraculously “cured” an entire ward of mentally ill patients it the Hawaiian state hospital for the criminally insane - without once even being in a room with them.
I talk about what Ho’oponopono is and how it came about, including my own journey with it.
You will hear stories about how it has changed people’s lives immeasurably - and it will change yours too, if you practise it.
You will also hear how to use it, so you can actually start yourself, today.
Ho’oponopono really does enable, call upon - or rather clear all our blocks to - the magic that is available to us all in this Universe, on this planet.
I hope you enjoy this episode. If you do, please like and leave a comment, and share it with anyone who you think would find it helpful so that we really can spread the word to help humans rediscover their true selves, living from a place of thriving and expansion, over primal survival.
If you would like to learn Ho’oponopono yourself more fully, please do have a look at my course at
This is a workshop I did last year with some happy participants indeed, and it can be yours right now if you would like to take this further and learn more, plus receive a few activations that came in Divinely Inspired at the end of the second workshop.
If you are interested in taking your own journey even further, please find my website below where there are lots of options to experience my work
Instagram: @lucindagordonlennox
Email: [email protected]