“Marketing is just saying the right shit to the right people”. Do you find yourself stuck in the money pit of ads with no return? Well, we’ve got just the right episode for you.
Marketing is the process of getting potential clients or customers interested in your products and services. The keyword in this definition is "process." On this episode of Integrative Entrepreneur Podcast, we will be discussing the different marketing strategies and what are the steps that should be taken to run not only a successful business but a badass one.
Today, marketing is something that every company and organization must implement in its growth strategy. Leading the episode, Dr. Nicole with our special guest, Sunny Dublik will be sharing their thoughtful insight and expertise on marketing in this day and age and what are the dos and don'ts that business owners should look out for when it comes to engaging with their customers.
Sunny is the owner of Sunny Dublik Marketing and she helps entrepreneurs, small businesses, and startups find efficient solutions to marketing.
- Importance of knowing what your customer really wants and how it benefits your business.
Why is evolving your services with your customer needs important and how it makes you and your business more relevant?How to navigate your way around social media and engage with your customers in the right way.What is the importance of market research and how it helps in learning about the threats around us?How to step into marketing strategies that actually yield the result
Find Sunny on Instagram: @sunnydub