We cover how patterns are in every aspect of our life, even down to subatomic energy levels. In addition, we talk about the eighth, ninth, and tenth chakras, which are focused on archetypes, sole purpose, and past lives, we also talk about the power of a healthy pelvic floor.
The Intuitive Energy Podcast
Season 2 Episode 7
When we take a step back, we realize that the world isn’t chaotic; it’s filled with patterns. Sometimes, we may need to take 1,000 steps back to recognize a pattern. Governments typically will create chaos, then make order out of the chaos when we really didn’t want the mess in the first place.
The Eighth and Ninth Chakras
We all share four main archetypes that deal with our sense of self, like a mandala of how we go about creating ourselves. The four primary archetypes are the child, the Guardian of Choice (Saboteur), the Guardian of Faith (Prostitute energy), and the Guardian of Self-Esteem (Victim). The latter aligns with your body and promotes self-healing. The ninth chakra is where you’ll find your sole purpose. When I read people’s ninth chakra, I’ll get insight into their life journey or destiny.
The Importance of Accepting Existing Realities
You’re over the hump. If you can accept the existing reality of what’s going on, you can easily see the pattern. Accepting the reality of other’s actions is beneficial for you to understand where they are coming from.
Polarity and Engaging Opposite Energies
One important aspect you’ll want to remember about polarity is that you can put your decision-making switch onto a dimmer. Your final decision doesn’t have to be an all or nothing - a yes or no. Ask yourself - what is the opposite feeling of the negative feeling you have? Now, let them meld together. Although it’s nice to know the opposite feeling, you don’t have to run and hide in the other corner. Try staying in the middle, enjoying your life, and create more ease than frustration so you can choose how you want to show up.
Healing as an Appreciation of Self-Esteem
Healing isn’t an on/off switch; it’s a gradation of self-appreciation and self-esteem. The way you intend your actions and the way you intend to feel has an impact. Wanting to feel better makes more wanting to feel better. Appreciate who you are for what you are and engage the energy you want to install.
Grow Into Your Energy
Grow into yourself - be a little bit of what you intend or have a little experience. Intend to shift your cellular and your thought pattern into a new pattern.
Be Useful at What You’re Good At
You don’t have to be “the best” at what you do - be useful at what you’re good at. Be useful to yourself or someone else in the patterns of what you do. Be authentic and be useful to take the judgment out of your life.
Energy work is complementary to other medicines. Make sure to feel heard so you can build your self-esteem and, in the process, heal yourself. Additional modalities that complement are acupuncture, massage, and pelvic-floor physical therapy like done by Solstice Physiotherapy in NYC.
Multiple Sources of Empathy
You could be empathetic because, as a child, you were in an abusive environment, which made you hyper-aware of your surroundings. You may also have inherited your empathic skills. Accept what you are, figure out where that pattern came from and tweak it, so the pattern serves you well.
Classes starting soon for Coming Out Intutive® Workshop Series
Learn how to clear out your own chakras in real-time during a session with me! My clients have found this to be a beneficial practice for the spleen, throat, or liver area. This can help balance your empathic receivers, self-expression, and the effects that family and upbringing can have on our systems.
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This Podcast is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to www.scottclover.com/disclaimer