On a scale of 1-10, how happy do you feel about your morning time tempo?
0 = I feel drained, overwhelmed, rushed.
10 = I love the pace of my morning.
I found I was at a 3. I didn't make time for myself, I felt rushed while making breakfast and I'd feel overwhelmed by the time I sat down for work. Uggh.
Something needed to change.
This episode shares what I did to change my 3 / 10 to a 9 / 10 and guides you through a series of open-ended questions to help you bring more flow into your morning.
Let's get to the heart of the "Morning Overwhelms" and see what we can come up with together!
(These questions can help with more than just the morning time. Honing in on a specific time - like the morning in this case - is helpful for making sustainable and realistic changes...And, well, not get overwhelmed even more.)
We get into:
- Feeling drained and judging ourselves
- Self-sabotage & self-induced stress (Both of which I'm very familiar with!)
- The real challenges of feeling like we don’t have enough time
Why do I use open-ended questions?
Open-ended questions are one of the most powerful types of life tools we can possess; Curiosity expands our view of ourselves and the world around us!
Why do I share my stories?
Vulnerability is a catalyst for trust and I hope by sharing my personal stories and struggles that you know you are not alone and this is a safe and supportive space for you to be your whole, awesome self. (Even if you're not sure what your whole, awesome self looks and feels like yet.)
In gratitude,
Jaime Komer :)
*I invite you to email me directly for your coaching and speaking inquiries at [email protected]. Cheers!