When GitOps is done well (or poorly?) it can feel like you're crossing the streams in Ghostbusters. In this episode, we dig into what GitOps means, how we can get there as a community, and how it affects implementing a multi-cluster Kubernetes deployment.
Links and notes from this episode - Full show notes are available at https://episodes.k8sfiles.com
* People used to tie off their networking wires with waxed string.
* Google's 4 golden signals are useful for anyone building large (or even small) systems.
* KubeCon Europe 2019 Panel on GitOps best practices - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvbaxC1Dexc
* Argo and Flux are joining forces to create the GitOps Engine.
* Argo has a Kubernetes Operator.
* Episode 4 is going to be all about Open Policy Agent (OPA), and may we have our first guest!