So purpose, purpose is such a word and I think this thing in this concept that people oftentimes try to find like, what is my God given purpose? What is, what is my purpose for this? What is my purpose for life? What is my purpose? Purpose, purpose, purpose, right? And recently I was having a conversation when I was at lunch with some people and I just simply said that your purpose is not necessarily your job.
It's what you're doing within the job that your purpose comes out. And so today I want to talk about pursuing purpose and how your purpose is not always what your job is or defined as a role. So let's jump right into. This week's episode of the Canaan Studios podcast, where we're digging into pursuing purpose.
So purpose, what is purpose? Um, I feel like it's this thing that at least for me, I feel like purpose is attached to my gift and what it is that God has. Created me for so I'm literally going to read the dictionary's definition of what purpose is. So purpose is as a noun, the reason for which something is done or created.
Or created or for which something exists. And if you use purpose as a verb, the definition is have as one's intention or objective. So purpose, I think that we overcomplicate what purpose is, right? The whole purpose of this podcast is to equip people that are experts in their field, whether it's successful business owners or successful business leaders, equip them and give them tools and advice.
So the. They can become content creators and hopefully become podcasters. That is the entire purpose of this podcast. Right. Um, and to share the journey of, um, your journey to success, right. And what that looks like. So that is the true purpose of this podcast. The purpose of Canon studios is to help those with a voice, help those with a voice.
So I like to work with, um, successful business owners and successful. Um, successful business leaders, um, that are experts in their field. So they have a voice that needs to be shared with somebody else. And somebody else is looking for that voice. So I help create that through podcasts, through video content.
That's what we do here at Canaan studios. That is the purpose of Canaan studios. And so when I. Think what is the like going deeper? What is the purpose of my life? I think the purpose of my life is that God has created me in such a unique way. I think everyone is made uniquely. Um, but I only know myself the best.
And so, um, outside of God, God knows me better than I know myself. I'm the person that knows myself better than anybody else outside of outside of God. But, um, I think my purpose for life is. I have a gift for, um, taking a little bit of nothing or maybe an idea and, and, and creating a plan around that, and then actually executing on that plan.
That is what I think my purpose is, is to, um, It's to do that is to make your vision come to life, whatever that looks like. Um, and I'm doing that and I'm able to execute on that purpose here at Canyon Studios through creating that content. So that is what I feel. And that is what I know to be my purpose.
Because when I look back on things that I've done throughout my 15 years in production, there's always been something where there's an idea that's had. By someone else or even myself, and we're able to execute on it. And so that is what I truly believe my purpose is. But I think oftentimes that we think our job is our purpose, and that's not always necessarily true.
And I was actually talking to, I believe, Elizabeth Peace. Um, she was on an episode on last season. So go back and listen to that. Um, and she owns a company called The Intentionals, an intentional legacy. Right. And so. She was saying that if we are able to differentiate and separate the two, then I think there would be a lot more clarity in people's lives.
So when we separate our purpose from our job and just say, and just view our job as a way to, to survive in a way to get the things that we want. Um, then I think that there will be so much more clarity and there would be less sadness and anxiousness around everything around just life in general. If we don't necessarily say our purpose is this job.
And I think that we should also separate those two because we start to walk in the danger zone, danger zone, because what happens if, um, you lose that job? Or what happens if you are, um, now needing to pursue a different job? Is your purpose now gone? It's not right. So your purpose cannot be so attached to a job, um, that you lose sight of who God has created you to be.
Um, and so. So, I think that, um, we say pursuing purpose, but the word pursue, um, is an interesting word and I think that who pursues us the most or the person that is constantly pursuing us is Jesus, right? And so, When I say pursuing purpose, I'm saying that I'm actually like living in purpose. So not necessarily pursuing purpose, living in purpose, living on purpose, um, living through my purpose, living with purpose.
Um, and so, um, a lot of people don't necessarily know what their purpose is. They don't know what their, what their calling is. And so how I want to tie all of this together is I think one in order of. In order for you to figure out or understand or know what your purpose is and what God has created you for, your purpose on the earth, first you gotta ask Him, right?
Like, I don't think there's anybody that can tell you a more direct answer than God can. And, um, you can read your Bible, um, you can pray to him, um, and you can also reflect back on your life and just look at what was the common thread amongst the situations that God put you in, right? And maybe that's your purpose.
Um, but I think also too, when God gives you that purpose, then you also have to execute on that purpose. So for me, um, I know that. God has gifted me with the purpose that I just explained, um, and so I've been able to use that in each role that I have. Now, each role, um, like each job that I had was not my purpose, right?
But I was able to use what God gifted me with in each of those roles. And I, and in doing that, you find so much more joy in those in going to work and being able to work, um, and find those little pockets of purpose. In, um, just everyday things that you're doing, whether it be at work, whether it be at home, whether it be in business, whatever, whether it be you being a parent.
And so, um, I like that phrase pockets of purpose. Uh, right. And so I think, I think that is. I don't know. That's just been like a really big nugget of wisdom that I just kind of had a defining moment, right? Is that your job is not necessarily your purpose. So when I think through my purpose for this podcast, I told y'all what it was, but it's to have conversations like this, like, yes, I want to equip you with the tools that you need and the value that you, that I need to provide on this podcast and, and, um, You know, teaching you how to create a podcast or get into the rhythm of creating content.
But I also want there to be a purpose behind the podcast or purpose behind the content, purpose behind every single piece of content that you're putting out there for other people to consume. Um, and the reason why I think that is so important is because when you are When the foundation of your content and the foundation of everything that you're doing is built on God's purpose for you, then when it does get tough or when you feel like quitting, you think back to what that purpose is or what your why is, right?
What is your purpose for doing this? And that is what's going to be able to pull you through. So just in full transparency, I haven't released an episode all of February. I had some personal things going on with family. I had a death in the family. Um, I had some travel, a whole bunch of things, and I recorded, batch recorded four episodes.
Now, just in full transparency, when I record these podcast episodes, I'm recording by myself. So it's literally me, the camera and the microphone and some other things y'all can't really see. I recorded content because I knew I was going out of town. And I said, okay, I'm good up until I go out of town.
When I go out of town, I'll have that content prerecorded and I'll be able to edit it. And when I went to edit it, the video looked incredible, but the audio was not there. So that is why I have not released any episodes in February, but I'm back in March, right? I'm back in March. I understand what my purpose is for this, but, um, yeah, that was just a mess up on my part and I take full responsibility for that.
So now I'm double and triple checking. To make sure I have the files that I need for this content moving forward. So I really want you to think about right before you start creating content, like at least have a high level idea of what the purpose of the content is going to be, right? What is going to be the purpose of your content?
What, what should people come to you for? Because if you can't answer that, It's going to be really tough to be able to get people to engage with your content and listen to your content. And if you think about it like a radio station, um, me and Michelle Fox were talking about this. If you think about it like a radio station, you go to different radio stations for different things.
You go to the weather channel specifically for the weather, right? You go to whatever news you watch to for specific news. You go to the sports channel. For specific sports. And now it's even honed into where there's specific sports channel for specific sports or specific teams, right? So you're going to watch the MLB station.
You're going to watch the NBA. You're going to watch the NFL. You're going to watch the NLS, right? For different things. So what are people coming and consuming your content for? And I think when you're able to define what that purpose is, it's going to make things so much clearer. That's all I have for today is I just wanted to talk about purpose because I'm really talking to myself.
I'm just inviting y'all in on the conversation. So I hope that this was helpful. I hope that you're able to really just reflect and use this as a moment to, um, just. Maybe take a step back, or maybe this is the first step for you. You are now interested in creating content. You don't know where to start and you have all these ideas, but you're like, I don't know which direction I should go.
Think about what is the actual purpose of your content. Right. And the purpose of your content should be a reflection and it should correlate to what is the purpose of your business or what is the purpose of whatever it is that you're doing. Um, and let that define the way in which you create content.
But always remember that a job, a business, nothing is your purpose. A role is not your purpose. Your purpose is what you're doing in that role. Okay. So as always, um, thank y'all for listening. Be sure to like, subscribe, share this with five friends and as always keep creating.