Show Begins @ 13:20 after the intro and Daily Dose which is discussing Mental Health being an excuse for Mass Shooting!
Hello, everyone its I, Jakala Breon back with another ep sharing the life of my grandparents from memories to grief. This has been a topic i have been trying for a while to record, but no time was never right, and I fumbled over words. Thus now, i seemed to have gotten to motive to come sit and make one with my mic again to bring on my platform and share my story. I did indeed get emotional a few times throughout this ep but know that tears of joy were present no sadness. I have crossed over my sadness and see everything clear of light so for that ... take a listen if you have lost your grandparents and may be grieving too. I know that I am not alone, and you must know that you are not alone either and that the loss of our loved ones have only shined light throughout our vision. Much love, always. Rest in Peace Nene and Papa!
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