on this episode of the podcast we bring you a guest that is local to where I grew up and that's the San Fernando Valley, Jairo is a photographer that grew up in a rough area. Knowing that at any moment he can end up on the wrong path he made it clear to stay busy with hobbies to keep himself out of trouble, and having good friends and great role models he was able to do so. Jairo enjoys street photography, meaning he likes to shoot the gritty stuff that most other photographers or people may not see. He finds beauty in what people would look at as a trashy place. His art is amazing and has a true passion for what he does. He strives to one day inspire and teach kids the art to help them stay off the streets. Jairo is also working on a brand he is ready to launch shortly called We Run The City IG: @WeRunTheCities that helps motivate and inspire photographers to get out and shoot the things that they like! his brand will focus on doing what you love and having fun with it. hope you guys enjoy the episode and feel free to reach out with any feedback, questions or comments to me personally @stpierre or the podcast @kre8ivepodcast