Ebony and Ivory are not just keys on the piano, they are a metaphor for how white women and black women can describe their experience. They both make beautiful music together, but there is a definite difference in how the world sees and hears them. The Ladies Who, sit down with guest DJ and wedding planner Fresh Johnson for a wonderfully candid conversation about what it means to be a woman in the 21st century.
1:22 Fresh Johnson back in the house
9:30 The Blackest wedding of all time
14:26 Professional Black Girl
22:46 Shopping in the afternoon: Soccer mom/thief?
42:21 How to party like a white girl as a black girl
The Women in Entertainment Empowerment Network WEEN, is a non-profit that creates the blueprint for women of color to spark change, shape history within the entertainment industry. Over the last decade, WEEN has impacted over 80,000 young women through leadership development and career placement programs and shifted the narrative of women of color in media, business and the community-at-large.
This episode was brought to us by Basic’s Underneath. Where everybody is beautiful. Check out their latest styles at https://www.basicsunderneath.com
Thank you to Lucky Day for our theme song, by the Jingle Punks, and the artist Kei Lo Kaz and the song End of Schwindel for the episode vibes.
Items from this episode that you will want to check out:
Professional Black Girl web series:https://professionalblackgirl.com/web-series/
The Blackest wedding of all time: