Im satisfied in love with Mike and life!
My investments and businesses are growing!
My anxiety is diminished and my peace of mind has grown
I have a lot of hope, renewed purpose and passion for life!
1) Live a gratitude based life and work on growing it daily
2) Design the vision -- you are the movie director and you are the main character too!
3) Decide the goal and work the plan backwards
4) Block all unnecessary chatter
5) Be honest with yourself around your habits (TV/Internet/Food/alcohol and product consumption)
6) Build the boundaries around your time -- your most precious commodity!
7) Be patient with yourself -- allow for wiggle room and rewards
8) Be consistent -- slow and steady always wins the race
9) Look for joy an whimsy along the way -- being playful is crucial
10) Choose your hard -- success and failure are BOTH hard, question is, do you want to control your injuries on the way up or be at the total mercy of the unexpected injuries as you bump and tumble down?
The world owes you nothing, it was here first. People don't owe you love or opportunity. They don't owe you praise or gifts, not a job, not a specific wage, not housing, medical care nor food. All of this is up to you AND what a MIGHTY sense of accomplishment (and pride) when you do it for yourself! AND YOU CAN DO IT FOR YOURSELF!