We welcome special guest Allison Liddle to the show again.
Allison Liddle is a 3x best-selling author of Life Under Construction, The Art of imperfect Action, and Keep Going, Co-Captian & Participant on the new TVSeries "Four Days to Save the World," top motivational speaker, leadership trainer, podcast host, CEO/Founder of AllisonLiddle Consulting, President of ProsperWealth Management, and mother to two.
In this episode, Allison and Mike explore some tips from her new book Reset Your Life in Thirty Days. Allison talks about her own journey of resetting after seeking to be all and do all things all the time.
"I'm super excited and grateful that this book is coming out at the time that it's coming out because the last 12 months have been pretty difficult for most people in some way, shape, or form. I understand that all of our experiences are different. And some of us are still trying to find our way. But this book actually came to me in September 2019, I felt like God or the universe or something was whispering to me telling me that I needed to take a reset."
"Let's talk about the word detox for just a minute because many people hear that word and think, well I'm not an abuser of substances."
"You can think about detox like helping your body feel better and heal itself better. And so when I was thinking about really what I wanted that subtitle to be, this guide is really helping people go through different areas of their life in order to really show up as our best selves first.
Allison talks about the launch of her Youth Leadership Conference. This conference will include over 150 high school students and will help them launch their dreams. "Young people need adults in their life that believe in them, and help them amplify their strengths, and minimize their weaknesses."
When you start competing against others, you start looking at what they do well, and what you don't do so well versus leaning into your strengths.
Allison has written a new book, Reset Your Life in 30 Days: A Guide to Detox Your Mind, Body & Spirit. The process is simple but impactful. Living in survival in burnout zone actually will impact your body in different ways.
You can follow Allison on LinkedIn.
Learn more about her and her mission on her website .