You know, things are changing really quickly. And so many individuals are now working from home or working in some other remote environment. And you know, it's either good or bad, depending on how you manage your remote work life. Now, I've had the great opportunity to work as a management consultant. And as a CEO of several organizations, and much of that time over the last 30 years, I would work remotely because our corporate offices were located in another city. And I had four children and two dogs during that period of time. So I had to create a work life that was remote that was also productive, and you know, really a happy work life. And, you know, I made a lot of mistakes. In the beginning, one of the biggest mistakes I made is that it took me some time to manage the number one cardinal rule of working remotely. And that is compartmentalization. In other words, you really have to create both spatial spaces, spatial environments, to work, but you also have to create psychic spaces, meaning that you kind of have to feel like you're at work. And I know that may sound superficial, but the truth of the matter is, if we don't know how to feel like we're at work, then the way in which we approach work is very, very different. And usually defunct, for an example, I have people that I know that try to work from home from their iPad from their couch, it just never really works. Because you always feel like you're at home. And you always feel like you're at work, and you never feel like you're at home, and you never feel like you're at work. And it's incredibly stressful. So the first recommendation I would have when working remotely is master compartmentalization, both psychically and spatially. Go to a place that feels like work. Always work in that space. When you're home, never work in any area of your home. That is not a pre designated workspace. Now, again, I know this sounds superficial, but trust me, I've done I've done this for 30 years. And as a management consultant, I've worked with a top brands to help their teams do this better. So the first thing you have to do is get to that space, where you're really and truly, both physically and psychically divided. Now, there are four things that you really need to do to thrive and prosper as a remote worker. Number one is you need to learn how to manage, monitor and improve your quality of work life. Now, I'm going to say this emphatically and I say it in my certified remote worker training program is that you come first, your self care, your happiness comes first. Because you can never be a productive employee, you can never do the work that you need to do for your enterprise if you're not happy. And happiness requires, again, the divisibility of where you work and where you live. Right. So managing that quality work, life is important. There's some other things you should definitely factor in, you need to create both virtual slash digital, and physical external connectivity. Now, what I mean by that is, is that we humans are happy when we're social. And we really need to be able to collaborate with our team, our team members and our co workers in a way that is satisfying to us because we we love that we love to co create into Ida. So always schedule time to be able to collaborate with, with team members and co workers so that you feel like you're part of a collective effort, that social engagement is really, really important to your quality of life. Now, here's the other thing. One of the biggest pitfalls of working from home is that it's 1130. You've got a proposal Do you look up and it's now six o'clock, you didn't take lunch, you didn't take a break, you didn't really move. That's only something that you can do for a short period of time.