Hosts Mary and Blake chat with The Leftovers showrunner Damon Lindelof for our final episode. We talk about the difference between Trust, Faith and Truth, the most proud moment Damon had on The Leftovers, the biggest lesson he has learned in his career, why Laurie divided the writer's room, Letting Go, what's coming next for Damon, the importance of a finale, we learn why Damon would fight a Ten Foot Tony The Chicken, who the biggest celebrity in the Departed verse is, plus we share a very personal story and have an emotional moment with Damon - one that we will NEVER forget, and much more. As a side note - this will be our last episode. For quite some time. Our thanks are noted in the podcast, but we are nothing without you the listener. Letting go is so much harder than we ever thought it would be. But, "nobody does it alone..." We needed you, just like you needed us. "To remember. And to...let go." We're still here. Subscribe: iTunes|| Stitcher | Google Play Music | YouTube Download: (.mp3) | Mobile Play Social: Like Us on Facebook | Follow us on Twitter Like what we do? Please leave a rating or a review on iTunes!