In Buddhism, a Riponche is a spiritual leader, brought to this world to guide others in spiritual practice. This conversation takes a special journey to Bhutan, where Louise (via the magic of technology) is able to talk with His Eminence Jangtrul Yangsed Riponche (the third).
Riponche Jangrul is revered figure in the Buddhist community and in Bhutan, oversees three monastries, a nunnery and a meditation retreat centre. He has made it his life work to build a bridge of understanding from buddhist teachings to everyday people, taking a special interest in Bhutanese youth. This conversation provides a beautiful insight into Riponche's early life, his work with mental health and how that can be targeted through meditation.
To learn more about His Eminence Jangtrul Yangsed Riponche (the third) and his current work, visit