We're half-way through our story. It's time to look forward, and to thank everyone who helped make this project possible. Robert F. Mason, writer/creator of THE LOVECRAFT COVENANT, has a special message for the cast & crew, and an appeal for our fans.
This bonus content includes music by Kodomo, taken from http://freemusicarchive.com
Follow our cast & crew on social media!
Robert F. Mason (writer/creator) - @RobertFMason
Michael Hall ("Odysseus"; sound engineer) - @coyotecyb
Maddy Goshorn ("Dolores Nayle") -- @MaddyGoshorn
Peter Reynolds ("Richard Pickman," various other) -- @PeterReynoldsVA
Alexandre Chen ("Ashton Smith") -- @AlexChenFilms
Natalie Winters ("Alice Marsh") -- @NatalieFWinters
Caitlin Buckley ("Brianna Schwarzman") -- @CaitlinB_VA
Jim McCaffree ("Charles Dexter Ward") -- @jimmccaffree
Become a patron for THE LOVECRAFT COVENANT and future Haunted Jukebox audio dramas -- https://www.patreon.com/hauntedjukebox
THE LOVECRAFT COVENANT is copyright 2017 by Haunted Jukebox Entertainment.
#LovecraftCovenant #HauntedJukebox