Last month, Jason and Zack discussed micromarketing and how most brands are missing some of these little moments to extend their brand. Emma is the company that started this micro marketing journey the guys discussed on the show.
In today’s episode, we discuss micromarketing, Seth Godin, marketing automation, and who will play Zack and Jason in a movie idea they have on micro marketing, with Colby Cavanaugh, SVP Marketing at Emma.
Colby shares a lot about how the Emma brand is passionate about micromarketing. He also shares his take on what AI has for the future of email marketing and marketing automation. No matter how advanced technology gets, marketing will always need a human touch.
This podcast will give you a deeper respect for micromarketing. The guys hope that you start finding ways to continue your brand well past the more conventional marketing channels.
Show Notes
Colby gives a brief overview of his career background.
Emma is the genesis of our mission to redefine micro-marketing with their brilliant 404 page.
The Seth Godin article that Colby mentions.
Seth suggests instead of trying to see how big you can make a segment, you see how small you can make the segment in order to find that viable audience.
Colby says they are passionate about the micro-marketing moments, like their 404 page, to extend the brand of Emma.
Jason points out how much work into the idea of investing time into a 404 page that NO ONE will ever see.
Today we have so much data at our fingertips as marketers. Colby believes we should use 70% of that date on customer service and 30% on sales.
We are coming for you, Seth! We will have you on the show.
Colby talks AI and what place it serves in digital marketing and marketing automation.
Marketing will always require the human touch that AI will not be able to have.
We as marketers are often missing the primary uses of email marketing automation like a welcome series.
What is the average welcome email series a business should be using? The answer is 4-5 depending on your industry and your brand.
How much email is too much email? Colby says individual preference comes into play here depending on your brand and how much your audience craves your content.
According to www.emailvendorselection, “Emma is a provider of email marketing software and personalized services that help organizations of all sizes get more from their marketing. Designed with businesses, franchises, universities, nonprofits, and agencies in mind. Emma’s features include email automation, audience segmentation, and mobile email marketing, plus integration with CRM solutions, eCommerce platforms, and social networks.”
Colby Cavanaugh is SVP of Marketing at Emma. Prior to joining Emma, he worked as VP of Global Channels at Return Path, where he drove customer success through their global partner ecosystem and enhanced their product offerings for digital marketers. He has over 10 years experience in the digital marketing space, including positions with Webtrends, ExactTarget, and Salesforce.
Colby Cavanaugh is SVP of Marketing at Emma. Prior to joining Emma, he worked as VP of Global Channels at Return Path, where he drove customer success through their global partner ecosystem and enhanced their product offerings for digital marketers. He has over 10 years experience in the digital marketing space, including positions with Webtrends, ExactTarget, and Salesforce.