It’s a little bit of everything, all of the time. Content is EVERYWHERE, and for many, it is EVERYTHING. Trends come and go, and millions upon millions of viewers are seeking the next “viral” video. The next “best” thing. If anything’s changed in marketing (or, rather, content creation), it’s that there are more content creators than ever, making for a busy space that keeps on growing. Add Artificial Intelligence into the mix, and you have thousands of hours of content produced DAILY. Exhausting, right?
This week, we sit down with Brian Wallace, the co-founder of NowSourcing, for a discussion on the modern content environment. What happens to consumers when so much content is available? For marketers, what does it take for them to not throw their laptops at a wall and, instead, work to break through the noise? What does it mean for modern content to be not only entertaining but valuable to a consumer?
Let’s get started!
- Doing the Complete Opposite - If you’re hearing about possible ChatGPT prompts from, say, your Uber Driver — it’s time to consider if you’re either behind on your game, or if EVERYBODY knows the “secrets” to content creation. Pivoting to unchartered territory may be the key to being noticed.
- AI is NOT a brain replacement - have you or your company embraced AI? Consider its limitations. For now, it’s better served for menial, repetitive tasks — not as your content producer.
- Remember How People Think - A polished, corporate mindset is a trap door. A fully functioning adult may somehow completely forget how humans think in a professional setting. It’s not about “putting on a different shirt,” per se, but rather it’s bringing that shirt to the office and remembering the importance of the human mindset.
- The Power to Be Everywhere - People are making decisions about the type of person you are through multiple social and web channels — due diligence causes people to find and review your digital footprint. It’s important to stay ahead of the game, keep a professional presence across the platforms, and stay proactive.
- Picking Your Lane - Let’s be honest — you can’t be everywhere, at least not effectively. And if you are, it may come across as inauthentic or, even worse, fraudulent. Choosing channels that make sense to you and your brand plays an important role in your content’s authenticity.
- Creativity and Caring - The market, in and of itself, does a terrible job of explaining itself. Why? It fails to make effective connections. As a marketer, you are required to be empathetic in the same way that you have to be an effective creator. Now THAT is something AI can’t be: empathetic.
- Effective Hiring - “Fit for Business” and “Fit for Skill” are NOT the same thing. Consider your hiring practices — does a marketer vibe with your mindsets, or are they completely off base? Interpersonal skills should be considered just as strictly as tangible skills.
- Understanding Humanity - Look at a company, its marketplace, and its customers … Odds are, the industry isn’t telling the full story of its purpose. Understanding a company’s place in the world ALONGSIDE humanity, as well as humanity’s strongly-held beliefs about any given industry (say, chiropractic) AND truly caring about general human interests, plays a tremendous role in a company’s longevity
- Avoiding the Safe Bet - Copying off of someone’s homework was looked down upon in school — why would copying someone’s creative work be looked at better? Unfortunately, people mimic creative styles because it is a familiar, safe bet. It’ll hurt you in the long run.
- Remember the Goal of Content - If you’re a content creator, your goal may be to get the most likes, shares, and comments. That’s fine. As a BUSINESS, you cannot forget that content is an aid to revenue growth. Popularity online is not the equivalent of financial success and business longevity. Sure, you’re internet famous, but inflated egos don’t pay the bills.
- Infographics
- Podcasting
- YouTube Videos
- Artificial Intelligence (ChatGPT)
- Industry Conferences
- Blogging
- Generosity
- Networking
- Mastering Your Craft
As a marketer, you may be inclined to look at vanity metrics as your company’s most successful qualities — in the case of social media, for example, you may see more followers as a success when in reality more followers do NOT equate to more sales. Brian implores you to look deeper than that — two circles of a Venn diagram where you’re either working for a high-profile company or an amazing company that achieves your ideal output. The “middle” of the Venn diagram is the sweet spot - amazing companies that do amazing things.
Brian looks to the story of Moneyball as a great example. Scouts, at one point in time, sought out players that “looked the part.” The flaw with that is, while a person may look like a baseball player, they lack all the necessary fundamentals to succeed, meaning the team as a unit was destined for failure. The same applies to marketing. It is A LOT more scrappy. Data isn’t always pretty, but it is necessary for forecasting and success. Effectively, Brian works to break through the noisy, busy content spaces by implementing processes that look past vanity numbers and flashy data for content that is effective, useful, and relevant.
A bit more about Brian:
Brian Wallace, the co-founder of NowSourcing, an infographic design agency with offices in Kentucky and Ohio. NowSourcing’s vast portfolio sees them assisting businesses ranging from startups to Fortune 500 companies.
Brian’s focused mindset has garnered him accolades from the likes of Google, which has named him a top Small Business Advisor since 2016.
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