In today’s episode, Ava and I dig into strict pull ups, defying the norm, having grace in different seasons of life, moving the dial forward every day, keeping your word to yourself, having a competitive side, the freedom within creativity, putting a piece of yourself in your art, being authentic with yourself, and shaking hands with the corners of yourself.
5-9: Ava’s IG Story Phenomenon: Cash in Cash out
9-10: Keeping your word to yourself
10-15:30: Training & competing in a power lifting competition
15:30-16: Staying in your lane & pushing yourself
16-17: Being a team athlete vs. self competition
17-19: Intuitive training & cycle syncing
19-24: Knowing yourself as an athlete
28-32: Adapting with an unpredictable season
32-36: Being a blend of an artist & an athlete
36-39: Knowing your own authentic flavor
39-40: Freedom to ebb and flow
42-43: One thing Ava is excited about
43-Close: Where to hang out with Ava online
Instagram: @avafitzgerald_