The world as we knew it has been disrupted, chaos has increased and is all around us, hate is at an all time high, and the level of fear has risen to unprecedented heights, but beneath the surface of all the worldly perspectives of our current state of affairs something powerful and magical resides...NEW ENERGY! You've felt it one way or the other, you've been affected by it for better or worse and it's constantly being used for you or against you. The watch-what you-say alert is high this year! Manifestations are increasing with even more negative energy than usual and thus negative events and situations are happening daily! If you watch the news ( I personally don't because the spells of it affects and infects my wellness energy) and don't see that this is the CRAZIEST time in human're not looking deep enough.
The energy it takes to alter our reality in that way has never been witnessed and experienced in this world, which means this is NEW ENERGY!!! Because it's NEW many people don't understand that it's up for grabs, so to speak, meaning Dark and Light, Good and Bad, Love and Hate, Depression and Happiness, Poverty and Wealth, Rich and Poor, I mean EVERYONE.... can use it equally, it's not designated to one side or the other, and you and I have access to that power! If this energy is being used against you, be a mirror (2020), alter the energy around you to reflect it back to it's source! This is a MINDSET first and for most, so watch your feelings, emotions, thoughts, and words in this New Energy, because in case you don't know or you've this reality you manifest negative much, much quicker than you manifest positive! So, speaking powerfully to manifest the world around me I wish means speaking fearlessly! This episode I'm sharing my experience doing that, and how I shield myself from others projecting their fear on to me. 6pm PST 8pm CENTRAL 9pm EST
This Wednesday July 15, 2020 on The Mental Health Cypher - Now is the perfect time to use this New Energy to heal yourself, protect yourself, and manifest your dreams and goals... and to all my fellow entrepreneurs, NOW IS THE TIME TO START YOUR BUSINESS!!