We're continuing with the Flylady baby steps program where step by step, we will create homes and lives we LOVE!
Today we are going to start the very helpful habit of doing one load of laundry a day. That includes drying and folding - one load of laundry from start to finish! Now for me, as a mom of four, I have to do 2-3 loads a day, but all I make myself do each day is one load. I have found it to really help keep the laundry from piling up. Learn how it's helped AND how I've even made it something fun that I look forward to!
Each day from Jan. 1-21, 2021, I will help you start a new habit that will help you consistently clean, declutter & organize your home on my podcast.
See all of the baby steps here on my blog
- Click here to join my Facebook group for moms, here!
- My Nontoxic Laundry Routine as a Mom of Four
- Laundry Hacks for Busy Moms
- My Nontoxic Laundry Detergent Recipe
- My Nontoxic Laundry Softener and Booster Recipe
- The Flylady's book, Sink Reflections (by Marla Cilley)
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