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A fun, smart, and completely idiotic podcast by three people vaguely described as human. They discuss pop-culture and while they will usually disagree with each other, massively so, you can always be ... more
FAQs about The Miscellanists:How many episodes does The Miscellanists have?The podcast currently has 49 episodes available.
September 29, 2012“Funcast” – The Miscellanists PodcastIn this “FUNTASTIC” edition of the podcast we lament the Wii U, praise Whedon and discuss a bunch of stuff that’s already outdate. This podcast was recorded on 14/09/12. Please e-mail us questions or comments, we’re lonely: [email protected]...more0minPlay
September 07, 2012“Lightsword” – The Miscellanists PodcastIn a very sombre and respectful manner we discuss the horrors of world war one. We also have a heated Valve debate, lament the fate of Wonder Woman, and discuss the racism of Dr. Dolittle....more0minPlay
September 07, 2012“Poképod” – The Miscellanists PodcastWe want to be the very best, like no one ever was, to pod is our real test, to cast is our cause…...more0minPlay
September 07, 2012“Culting” – The Miscellanists PodcastIn this weeks super duper long extended edition of the podcast we talk about cultist personas, revel in our own precognitive abilities and Jenag makes yet more off colour jokes that we didn’t cut. Sorry....more0minPlay
September 07, 2012“Rocking” – The Miscellanists PodcastIn this edition of the podcast we discuss many things at length but THEN, OH GOD! Jenga has some problems with his internet pipes! How will he ‘look’ at pictures of adorwable cats with comical phrases now?...more0minPlay
July 24, 2012“Batpod” – The Miscellanists PodcastThis is a very special edition of the podcast in which we talk about the Batman, specifically the film Dark Night Rises! SQUEE!...more0minPlay
July 24, 2012“Build” – The Miscellanists PodcastThis week we we mostly focus on, well, MOTHER FRACKING COMIC-CON!!!!!!!!! OMG I CAN HAZ NERDZING OUTS!!!!...more0minPlay
July 17, 2012“George” – The Miscellanists PodcastThis week we may be down a man but we carry on nobly to bring you the latest amazing things. We talk about hipsters, sesame street, spider-men, you know, all the cool thinks that the kids love… because we’re cool....more0minPlay
July 02, 2012“E3 2012” – The Miscellanists PodcastThis week Jenga, Neil and Rhys talk about all the things that went on during E3 2012 and… well… look it was kind of a lame E3 but do not fear, seriously I don’t want to have to deal with that parallax stuff, we make the best of a slightly more disappointing than we were expecting situation....more0minPlay
FAQs about The Miscellanists:How many episodes does The Miscellanists have?The podcast currently has 49 episodes available.